Indulge yourself with at least 1 great new plant
Water regularly, if it doesn’t rain
Water newly planted plants even if rain is predicted
Attend a plant swap (if you’ve never been to one, you’re in for a treat!)
Mulch, mulch, mulch! (The best I’ve found was finely chopped bark that was not sold as mulch, but as “soil amendment”.)
Divide and plant out seedlings
Divide crowded summer & fall blooming perennials and share
Deadhead and begin replacing cool season annuals (pansies, alyssum, etc…) with plants from the nursery (marigold, cosmos, sunflower, tithonia, nicotiana, verbena, zinnia...) as the blossoms fade if you do not have seeds
Direct seed summer annual flowers (celosia, marigolds, morning glories, sunflower, zinnia...)
Unless you are trying your hand at propagating new bulb varieties, deadhead spring blooming bulbs, but do not cut down the foliage until it yellows
Mark bulb plantings that will need division
Jumpstart the garden with a good feeding
Make sure tall perennials are staked
Feed blooming roses and continue your spray regimen for Hybrid Teas
Vegetables & Herbs
Keep the perennial veggies, herbs, and berries weeded
Plant out tomato, pepper, and eggplant seedlings
Direct seed warm season vegetables (melons, beans, okra, squash, pumpkins, southern peas...) for a mid-summer harvest
Keep cool season crops harvested, so they’ll keep producing as long as possible
Consider doing as the Native Americans did and plant a “Three Sisters Garden” – interplant corn, running beans, and squash
Repot houseplants in new soil
Move most houseplants to a shady porch or patio
Trees & Shrubs
Check out the azaleas while they are still in bloom for future purchases
Plant or transplant trees and shrubs before it gets too hot.
Prune flowering trees, shrubs, and climbing roses immediately after they finish blooming
Fertilize the lawn after it has been mowed twice
Start digging that pond you’ve been dreaming of.
If you already have a pond, muck out leaves
Clean bird feeders
Clean out birdhouses that do not contain new nests
Turn the compost
Keep a watch out for garden pests (asparagus beetles, aphids, cabbage worms, cutworms, scale, slugs & snails, spider mites, thrips, & whiteflies)
Look out for fungal problems (leaf spot, mildew, rust...)
Remove invasives while the soil is damp, before they spread even further